昆明世界园艺博览园(简称世博园)是 1999昆明世界园艺博览会会址,设在昆明东北郊的金殿风景名胜区旁,距昆明市区约4公里。博览园占地面积约218公顷,植被覆盖率达76.7%,其中有120公顷灌木丛茂密的缓坡,水面占10%~15%。园区整体规划依山就势,集全国各省、区、市地方特色和95个国家风格的园林园艺品,庭院建筑和科技成就于一园,体现了“人与自然,和谐发展”的时代主题,是一个具有“云南特色、中国气派、世界一流”的园林园艺品大观园。博览园主要有7个专题展园、34个国内展园和33个国际展园组成。七大专题展园:树木园、竹园、盆景园、药草园、茶园、蔬菜瓜果园和会后新建的名花艺石园;二大室外展区:国际室外展区及中国室外展区。共培育移栽了各种类植物2,551种,200多万株(丛),其中珍稀濒危植物112种,创历届A1级世界园艺博览会的最好水平。同时还创下了占地面积、建设速度、展示植物种类、园林精品、连体温室 、竹类植物种类、柏科植物移栽、断崖塑石等8项“世界吉尼斯之最”。
About the Garden
Kunming World Horticulture Expo Garden (“Kunming Expo Garden” for short) is the venue of China 1999 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition, and it is located near Golden Temple Park in the northeast outskirt of Kunming City and has a distance of about 4km from Kunming downtown area. Kunming Expo Garden covers 218 hectares and has vegetation coverage as high as 76.7%, including 120 hectares of gentle slopes covered with thriving shrubs and water area accounting for 10%~15%. Based on local geographical conditions, it gathers quality garden works, courtyard buildings and science & technology achievements with local features of nationwide provinces, areas and cities and with distinctively different styles of 95 countries, and displays the “harmonious development between man and the nature”, which is the theme of the era, making it a grand showplace of garden works presenting “Yunnan features, Chinese manners, a first level garden in the world”. Kunming Expo Garden mainly has 7 special exhibition gardens, 34 domestic exhibition gardens and 33 international ones. Seven special exhibition gardens are Tree Garden, Bamboo Garden, Bosai Garden, Medicinal Herb Garden, Tea Garden, Vegetable and Fruit Garden, and Famous Flowers and Stone Crafts Garden built after the Expo. Two outdoor exhibition areas are International Outdoor Exhibition Area and China Outdoor Exhibition Area. Over 2 million plants of 2,551 species, including 112 endangered species, are transplanted and cultivated, representing the best Al level world horticulture expo. Meanwhile, Kunming Expo Garden has set 8 “Guinness World Records” in terms of land area, construction speed, plant varieties, quality gardens, combined greenhouse, bamboo varieties, Cupressaceae plant transplanting, and bluff stone scenes.
Chinese government held world A1 level horticulture expo, the largest international event at the end of 20th century in Yunnan Kunming World Expo Garden from May 1st to October 31st, 1999 for the first time. Since open to tourists, the garden has received over 23 million persons· times at home and aboard, 26 heads of states, numerous Chinese and foreign celebrities and over 5,000 Chinese and foreign journalists.
As the only intact world expo venue in the world, Kunming Expo Garden has become a worldwide, national, gardening, high taste, unique, inimitable and value sustainably venue cultural heritage thanks for its largest scale in the world, original garden showplace history, culture, and landscape value.